Thanks to those who came along to the juicing and smoothies workshop on Friday. We made some lovely warming smoothies for the Autumn as well as some anti oxidant rich and very bright juices for the immune and digestive systems. Ingredients we focused on were greens, turmeric, celery, cranberries, beetroot and ginger.

Lots of exciting ingredients to experiment with.

Beetroot, carrot and apple juice – something for Halloween?

Cranberry cooler and pineapple sunshine shot – to brighten up a dull day!
I have had some lovely feedback including “I am so looking forward to experimenting now that you have given me the confidence to go forth and juice…” and “I just wanted to say thank you for last weeks session, I found it really useful and you have inspired me.” I will be running this workshop again next month and there will be more to follow so watch this space! Do contact me if you would like a tailored workshop for you and a group of friends.