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Nutrition and Health Goals 2015

Updated: May 28, 2024

Here are my nutrition and health goals for 2015 – simple and achievable, what are yours?

I am not one for New Years resolutions.  Almost every year I have as number one – “be more punctual” and number two “be more organised”.   I was late for almost every event around Christmas so it clearly doesn’t work.  This year I am focusing on goals around nutrition and health, my passion.  Last year was a busy year for healthy eating: kale, green juices, bone broths, raw treats, spiralizing and chia seeds featured heavily in my kitchen.

  1. Meditation- enjoy more meditation.  Suffering with a busy mind, I find calming the mind a challenge.  After attending a fantastic mindful meditation course a couple of months ago and discovering the apps Calm and Headspace, I plant to continue to make this a priority.

  2. Inspiring books – there are great new cookery books out this month from fellow nutritionists and food writers.  I plan to buy one at a time, giving me time to explore them thoroughly.  Looking forward to new books from Deliciously Ella, Amelia Freer and Dale Pinnock.

  3. Seaweeds there are a few ingredients that I have been introduced to but not quite incorporated into the kitchen yet.  One is seaweed, a good source of iodine, iron, magnesium and calcium.  I plan to add to stir fries, salads and soups.

  4. Fermented foods I have had shop bought raw sauerkraut but the next step is making my own coconut yoghurt, tomato ketchup, sauerkraut and kimchi.  These are rich sources of probiotics.

  5. Herbs I am a rubbish gardener but after a lovely gift of a selection of herbs this Christmas from my dad I am going to create a herb garden in a veg trug and use fresh herbs to add to my daily cooking.

  6. Whole food supplements – I am not a huge fan of mass produced supplements but plan to spend time this year exploring the benefits of whole food supplements.  These are supplements that do not contain chemical isolates but food sources of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are thought to be more readily absorbed.



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