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Venus Success Stories – Helen Randall

Updated: May 14, 2024

Helen Moynihan’s one-to-one sessions are where she will really get to the heart of what you need as an individual.

Helen Randall is a massage therapist and pilates teacher interested in health and nutrition.  She came to me to for support as she entered the menopause and was experiencing symptoms.  She had also had a history of digestive issues and her busy schedule, disrupted sleep and building works were contributing to an increased stress load.  I was able to explain to Helen the link between having optimal digestion and hormone balance and how stress can increase hormonal symptoms.  We worked together for approximately 8 months, initially with a bespoke programme and then review appointments as her health improved.  This enabled us to identify imbalances that were contributing to her symptoms and to tweak her programme as she progressed.

This is her story…..

Would you mind sharing the reasons (health issues/goals) that you came to see Helen.

For me it was the fact that I was entering the menopause, experiencing hot flushes and all the other symptoms – and I wanted to find out what were the right foods to be eating at this time in my life.  I was comfortable that I had a pretty good diet already, but I wanted to know what tweaks could be made.

And can you share the approach that Helen took?

We started with a questionnaire and I had a long consultation with Helen where she really looked at the bigger picture with me.  She identified that I was having some digestive issues, and she tackled that head on as she felt she could also improve that aspect for me.

What are the main/key things that you learnt?

Helen suggested that I kept a food diary, through this she identified that I was not having enough fibre or protein in my diet.  She also noticed that eating raw food was not beneficial to me.  I knew my digestive system was a little sensitive but the food diary really opened my eyes and highlighted a lot for me

Did anything surprise you?

I think the links to things that I hadn’t considered were what surprised me the most. I hadn’t respected the link between a dysfunctional digestive system and the menopause.  I consider myself reasonably well-read on nutrition but working with Helen, her expertise and in-depth knowledge, tweaking my diet and adding some extra things has really worked for me.

What changes to your health have you experienced?

My menopause symptoms have certainly calmed down – in particular the feelings of anxiety or the “emotional rollercoaster” that comes with the menopause.  Added to that are the improvement in my digestive system and better quality sleep.

What are the changes that you have continued to make?

I always have plenty of fibre in my diet now. I have also minimised my intake of raw food, and I am very conscious of eating more protein.

How did you find the experience?

Really very positive!  Helen is very easy to talk to – she understood my level of knowledge but was still able to suggest further reading for me.  I actually found the whole process enlightening!  It made me look closer at me as an individual and what my body needed.  I will continue to use Helen in the future to tweak things as my needs change over time.

What did you enjoy the most about the programme?

It was very motivating to be gaining some new knowledge and make tweaks to my diet.  Helen also gave me some new ideas for breakfast which really helped me to break up my routine.  And my digestive system changed in a way I didn’t ever think it could.

What would you say to others that are considering a nutrition and lifestyle programme with Helen?

If you are looking for guidelines and insight into your diet then Helen is the person to go to.  She has such a depth of knowledge and is so sound in her approach – I feel she will go a long way in her field.  Helen’s one-to-one sessions are where she will really get to the heart of what you need as an individual.

If you are interested in finding out how nutritional therapy and health coaching can help you reach your health goals book your free 15 minute phone call with Helen by emailing or text 07740157193


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